Another reason the Abomination was trash

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Weeble » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:39 pm

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Suppress Rant Suppress Rant :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Kotik, Quick hit me with another fish
RIP Tom, I will miss you, as will many others


Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:52 pm

Much obliged, Sir...


But why not just post your rant, Sir. Shall I forever be the only one, who swears the raw shit out of everybody when things f&*(%ing annoy me? 8) :mrgreen:

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:48 pm

Ah, anyone want to answer my questions? They are serious.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Distracted » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:08 am

I don't personally enjoy any of those things, SB, but I would imagine that the T'Pol/Archer shippers (and there are quite a few of them) were very pleased to see Trip out of the picture. Maybe BnB wanted to clear the way.
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:25 am

Distracted wrote:I don't personally enjoy any of those things, SB, but I would imagine that the T'Pol/Archer shippers (and there are quite a few of them) were very pleased to see Trip out of the picture. Maybe BnB wanted to clear the way.

They must really have wanked their right arms to f&%#ing shreds over that hug-scene.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:15 am

I'm personally on the "lousy writing" side of the fence. I think BnB honestly believed they were creating "a Valentine for the fans" - and the result just shows how out of touch they are with what people wanted to see and how lazy they were with their writing.


Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:44 am

Transwarp wrote:Which is it? I don't know, nor does it really matter to me. It's damning for BnB no matter how you look at it: Are they petty and vindictive, or just clueless and incompetent? It's got to be one or the other; no middle ground here.

I don't know. This whole "valentine for the fans" thing sounded like a huge "Up your arse, idiots!" to me. I mean, how divorced from reality have you got to be that you wake up one morning and think: "Hm, I need a valentine. Yes, this here turd will do nicely" :spiraleyes:

I'm still trying to make up any reason, for why someone would find any of those points appealing:

- Killing off one of the "Big Three"
- Lamely brushing off a relationship that has been "built" for two seasons (Allthough Coto spent an entire season on trying to wreck it)
- cynically switching off before Archers speech (Dang it, I wanted to hear more about them darn gazelles!)

Seriously. That cannot have been an accident. I can ingest 10 beers and none of it makes sense. To put it into male terms. Normally the more you drink, the younger and prettier the ladies get. If you're pissed out of your skull and she still is one hundred eleventy years old and looks like the result of a tragic farming accident, you're not going to go here, are you. Well, the Killer B's still did it :crazed:

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Distracted » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:08 pm

she still is one hundred eleventy years old and looks like the result of a tragic farming accident

You have such a gift for description, Kotik. :lol:
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:24 pm

In another board a woman loved the Abomination. She thought that killing off Trip was right and that the Hug meant that Archer and T'Pol would get together and marry (she hoped)

When asked once about T'Pol dropping her robe in front of Trip the woman said that Trip should have stuck his nose in the air and marched out of the room saying "I am too mature for this"

Also that any sign of affection between T'Pol and Trip was merely t'Pol tryng to comfort Trip. Nothing more.

Her signature was Jon and T'Pol Archer and their dog Porthos.

A few of us on the board had a great time harrassing her because she was unaware that she was being teased.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:36 pm

Sounds like you answered your own question, SB. At least one person liked it! I didn't think anyone would actually admit to that in public.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:59 pm

Putaro, she was proud that she liked the Abomination. thought it was a great episode.

She out and out hated Trip because he stood in the way of T'Pol and Archer who she thought the ideal couple.

If she could not deflect a reference to trip and t'Pol she would just ignore it.

She was a very nice person and on other subjects was quite reasonable. but she was plain murder on trip and t'Pol and especially trip.

I guess it is like me and my dislike for Archer. Unreasonable but there it is.

I have heard that there are boards dedicated to T'Pol and Archer whose motto is "Our favorite couple" Sound familiar.

Once read a post from a guy who was pro t'Pol /Archer who said that Trip and t'Pol adherents were out of their minds the only couple is Archer and t'Pol. Even bumped into a board which had some very rude mock up photos of Trip and captioning with T'Pol saing that Trip was a lousy lover and his equipment was sub par, etc.

Nice people

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:07 pm

Getting into an argument with AinTers is pointless. You could just as well bust into a Croatian restaurant and order a Serbian bean soup - you're not getting out of that without some serious scratches. One of the first sites I encountered, when I became interested in fanfiction was the Warp5 complex.
You wouldn't believe the sort of stories hosted there. From Archer gilding Shran's rear orifice to bridge crew circle-jerks in Archers ready room, you'll find just about any fetish this side of psychopathic. As you know, I'm a naturally born diplomat ( :angel: ) so my first reflex was to type in a review that would make a trucker blush. Now, I just accept that other people have other preferences. To me imagining Archer and T'Pol in a lovemaking scene is as appealing as imaging my parents doing the nasty. If other get a little wet patch on the front of their pants from that mental image, let them be happy with it. As long as they don't come to my front door at the buttcrack o' dawn on a sunday trying to proselytise me, I'll let them get on with it. I don't think the last Jevoha Witnesses, who woke me up have recovered from me opening the door in a viking helmet (a souvenier from last years Pagan Fest) blabbing on about Thor and Odin :mrgreen:

That this woman liked *the_abomination* is not exactly surprising. Stinkers like ANiS, The Seventh, Twilight and *the_abomination* were something the AinTers could take to the loo if the Playboy doesn't cut it anymore.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:25 pm

Well, there you have it. BnB are obviously AinT'ers. Explains a lot.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Asso » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:37 pm

Warp5 complex.
I know it.
I even posted some of my stories there, when I decided (rightly or wrongly) that my pride no longer would let me publish my stories over here on TriaxianSilk.

I'm not naive: I knew what kind of stories are published on Warp 5 Complex, but I wanted to do it equally.
I stopped, though, and, after having had a closer look at that site, it became perfectly clear to me why I almost did not receive comments.

Allow me not to have mince words: everyone is free to have his own tastes, I agree. But being totally devoid of taste ... well, this is definitely ... how could I say? ... not exactly nice.

And it is not the only site that way, there is some other site similar to it, and very close to TS in a sense, that, in my opinion, is not at all better than Warp 5 Complex.

The taste - the good taste - elegance, gentility, if you just do not want to talk about plausibility, are not empty words. And writing well does not mean writing beautifully.

At least, that is my opinion.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Silverbullet » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:18 pm

Kotik, I DO LOVE your posts. They make my day. They are so vivid and well written. For such talent.

I too came across the Warp 5 complex. What an index. Straight, Homosexual, two, three and foursomes.

I noticed there were more trip and t'Pol stories than there were Archer and T'Pol stories.

Now I have seen a lot of life. some really nasty stuff over the years. Warp 5 is right up there.

I doubt if I would want to write any of that kind of stuff. I know I could never write an Archer/T'Pool story. It would be impossible for me. I just could not do it. I would lose my lunch trying.

As for the other stuff I could probably write some of it but would never want to. I may have been a womanizer, a drunk, and gambler but I never sunk to that level.

Not holy but I do have some standards even if it is not evident.

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