Another reason the Abomination was trash

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Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:11 pm

OK, this just hit me, though I wouldn't be surprised if it's been hashed over before (but it's time to get back to arguing ENT anyhow).

Trip and T'Pol are supposed to have this "mate bond" and the death of one of the partners should affect the other. How come in *the_abomination* T'Pol just carries on as usual after Trip's death?

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Asso » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:25 pm

Because "the Abomination" is exactly an "Abomination".
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:43 pm

putaro wrote:Trip and T'Pol are supposed to have this "mate bond" and the death of one of the partners should affect the other. How come in *the_abomination* T'Pol just carries on as usual after Trip's death?

The whole point of *the_abomination* is to send a big honking "UP YOURS!" to the fans. Would you care about details like making things believable and logical if you just wanted to crap into someone else's salad? *the_abomination* is so riddled with mile-wide plot holes (no deaths, no promotions, Warp2 aliens catching Enterprise, Shran as a career criminal, TnT: "Oh yeah, we broke it off, fo' shiggety") it doesn't need a warp scientist to see that it was a rush-job. Hell, it doesn't even need eyes to see that.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Cogito » Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:48 pm

Well, we know there was a mate bond. But we can also be pretty sure that neither Trip nor T'Pol would have allowed it to be widely known, so the people who wrote the fat chef's holodeck program probably had no idea about it. Having no idea that such a thing existed or was even possible, they might have supposed that the fiction they created was believable. Of course we, with the benefit of inside knowledge, can see it for the rubbish it is.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Weeble » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:52 pm

only ever saw bits and parts of it once. what i saw was awful. I still think it never happened.

nuff said
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Alelou » Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:56 pm

I'm not going to defend that episode or hash out the usual arguments about it, but where in canon does it say the mate bond does anything more significant than cause normal grieving for one's mate after death? Sarek was married to Perrin after Amanda died. Clearly he could move on with his life. And T'Les is a widow, presumably. Besides, we do see T'Pol grieving in her own Vulcan way, for someone who they were pitching as a former lover and someone she'd already said she would miss. (Again, I ain't going to defend THAT development.)
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Silverbullet » Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:34 pm

Far as I know the Abominations is pure fiction. Nott true in any way.

Could not see the Bond fading over the years. It should have grown stronger. also cannot see t'Pol giving Trip his waling papers given the strength of the bond.

course what do I know? I still believe that Trip and T'Pol married had kids and lived a long and happy marriage of over 100 years. So sue me

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Asso » Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:29 pm

I still do not understand why that episode was written and shown, for more.
It is already discussed in this regard, and valid reasons have been brought in order to justify, at least in part, both the existence of that episode and the authors who have written it.
I do not think it is the case to summarize here these reasons, but, overall, the impression that I have always had ​​by reading them is of an inevitable "littleness". Tremendous efforts to somehow justify what is unjustifiable.
There is no one scene, no one word, no one action ... nothing, in "The Abomination" that shows the slightest shred I don't say of credibility or plausibility, but of mere brain working.
All I can say is that the Authors just wanted to irritate, to be annoying and make the fans' nerves jangling.
Well, definitely if this was their goal, they achieved perfectly this aim.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:44 am

Alelou wrote:I'm not going to defend that episode or hash out the usual arguments about it, but where in canon does it say the mate bond does anything more significant than cause normal grieving for one's mate after death? Sarek was married to Perrin after Amanda died. Clearly he could move on with his life. And T'Les is a widow, presumably. Besides, we do see T'Pol grieving in her own Vulcan way, for someone who they were pitching as a former lover and someone she'd already said she would miss. (Again, I ain't going to defend THAT development.)

So, now that our collective blood pressure is up a bit, Alelou raises a good point:

What is the affect of losing a bondmate? How should T'Pol have been reacting if Trip died?

Personally, I think she would at the very least have been less functional. Maybe a tear in private would have been a nice shot. Instead she's just making sure Archer can go make his speech.


Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Kotik » Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:45 am

Alelou wrote:Besides, we do see T'Pol grieving in her own Vulcan way, for someone who they were pitching as a former lover and someone she'd already said she would miss. (Again, I ain't going to defend THAT development.)

We also saw T'Pol grieve twice before (Azati Prime and the death of her mother). Both time tears were involved (Azati Prime doesn't count though, because she was stoned at the time). She sheds a tear for her enstranged mother, but is all calm and collected, when her mate croaks? At the very least it is very inconsistent.

That is all academic though, because taking *the_abomination* seriously is like sweeping the chimney before Christmas so that Santa won't dirty his coat :crazed: I think most of us agree that the events depicted on the holo-deck cannot be accurate, because a dose of common sense removes any shred of credibility:

Not a single crewman had been promoted after 10 years, which included 5 years of atrocious war against the Romulans. Nobody was wounded, traumatized, transfered off the ship or just plain ol' dead. So either TGTMD is true and all that actually happened in 2155 or it just didn't happen at all. Who ever did that holo-program obviously ignored the Earth-Romulan war.

Then there's the fact that Obese!Riker inserts himself into the story at various points. By definition he therefore alters events, making the holo-simulation divert from what it was supposed to depict. When the shuttle goes down to Rigel X (the 'will you miss me' scene) Riker sits in it with a MACO uniform, so he has taken the place of an actual MACO, who should have been part of the team. What if that MACO was supposed to shoot the Criminal!Aliens? The whole boarding stuff wouldn't have happened.

Then this exchange happens:
SHRAN: You're certain it won't be a problem?
ARCHER: I'll feel more comfortable getting you away from your friends at warp four.
SHRAN: My shuttle may be slow, but their ships can barely make warp two.

Yet those slowpokes catch up to and board Enterprise :spiraleyes: First of all. If a ship comes near to Enterprise, the crew would have known it and security measures would have been tightened. Insead the Aliens just walk in and no MACO and no security man is in sight, so while Trip and Archer managed to run to the scene from his ready room, not a single MACO or other crewmember managed. Yeah, I'm the shizzle fo'shiggedy. :roll:

I'm not even trying to make any sense of Trip uselessly blowing himself up. I think the sheer uselessness of the holo-simulation has sufficiently been proven.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby putaro » Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:02 am

Kotik wrote:Then there's the fact that Obese!Riker inserts himself into the story at various points. By definition he therefore alters events, making the holo-simulation divert from what it was supposed to depict. When the shuttle goes down to Rigel X (the 'will you miss me' scene) Riker sits in it with a MACO uniform, so he has taken the place of an actual MACO, who should have been part of the team. What if that MACO was supposed to shoot the Criminal!Aliens? The whole boarding stuff wouldn't have happened.

It's a simulation, not a time machine. It can just ignore any affect Riker might have had.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Hummingbird2 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:10 pm

Asso wrote:I still do not understand why that episode was written and shown, for more.
It is already discussed in this regard, and valid reasons have been brought in order to justify, at least in part, both the existence of that episode and the authors who have written it.
I do not think it is the case to summarize here these reasons, but, overall, the impression that I have always had ​​by reading them is of an inevitable "littleness". Tremendous efforts to somehow justify what is unjustifiable.
There is no one scene, no one word, no one action ... nothing, in "The Abomination" that shows the slightest shred I don't say of credibility or plausibility, but of mere brain working.
All I can say is that the Authors just wanted to irritate, to be annoying and make the fans' nerves jangling.
Well, definitely if this was their goal, they achieved perfectly this aim.

Absolutely! :clap:

I once read a supposedly true story about a group of tourists visiting the set of 'Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea'. When asked how they came up with stories (or something like that), Richard Basehart replied, "Once a week, someone flushes the toilet in Irwin Allen's office, and the script ends up here."

Personally, I think that's what happened with *the_abomination*.
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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Asso » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:45 pm

Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Cogito » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:50 pm

I imagine it must have taken quite a lot of tact to ask that question. How do you say "I'm a great fan of the show - how come all your scripts were such utter cr@p?" without giving offense? :oops:

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Re: Another reason the Abomination was trash

Postby Asso » Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:46 pm

putaro wrote:
Kotik wrote:Then there's the fact that Obese!Riker inserts himself into the story at various points. By definition he therefore alters events, making the holo-simulation divert from what it was supposed to depict. When the shuttle goes down to Rigel X (the 'will you miss me' scene) Riker sits in it with a MACO uniform, so he has taken the place of an actual MACO, who should have been part of the team. What if that MACO was supposed to shoot the Criminal!Aliens? The whole boarding stuff wouldn't have happened.

It's a simulation, not a time machine. It can just ignore any affect Riker might have had.

If I have to tell the truth, I do not even understand well what might be supposed that it should be.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on written by me. If you want.

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