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Re: Writing

Postby Eireann » Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:58 pm

Yes, I'm with Transwarp and Distracted on this one. UK grammar lays down that double quotation marks are for direct speech and single ones are for thoughts, and that works nicely IMHO, but if you're not going to use the single quotation marks then I think it's best to delineate the thought somehow, and italics seem to perform that function very well.

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Re: Writing

Postby Cap'n Frances » Tue May 10, 2016 12:12 am

Several months ago, Distracted suggested the option of starting a thread to let writers know that an old story has gotten a review. I think that's an excellent idea, but I don't think a thread was started. I just reviewed Lt. Zoe Jebkanto's excellent story, The Essence of Blue, which I somehow missed when it was posted.

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Re: Writing

Postby putaro » Tue May 10, 2016 5:26 am

It's been so quiet around here. I got some pokes from fanfiction and am thinking about getting back on the horse. Also (finally) reviewing a chapter that Weeble sent me a while back.

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Re: Writing

Postby panyasan » Wed May 11, 2016 6:58 am

Glad to hear that you're still writing, Putaro! :happyjump:

I am still writing that next chaper of World of Ice and thinking about an expansion of the short stories of The naked truth. I am without a job now, and looking for a new one. I was hoping to have more time to write, but things are still going too slow for my taste....
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!


The Naked Truth and other necessities of life

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12056258/1 ... es-of-life

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Re: Writing

Postby Cap'n Frances » Sat May 14, 2016 12:31 am

It has been quiet around here. I've submitted a story that I hope will be posted soon. I'd love to see more from Putaro and Panyasan and others.

Panyasan, good luck with the job search! I hope you find one that is perfect for you.

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Re: Writing

Postby panyasan » Sun May 15, 2016 12:36 pm

I just send my new chapter to my beta, so I am hoping to post something new soon as well...
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The Naked Truth and other necessities of life

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Re: Writing

Postby 73Bruin » Sun May 15, 2016 11:48 pm

To Cap'n Frances and Panyasan:

I would love to post your stories, unfortunately the Story Management function is down (and has been down since early January). At this point we do not have an ETA for when or if this feature will be back up. The story management function was custom developed by a a gentleman (who I believe) is a friend of Elessar's on a volunteer basis. Theoretically, I could possibly post stories manually, but I no longer have the password to the file management system nor do I have a good understanding of how the site is configured (e.g. where the stories are filed) because this was all handled by the story management function. So even if I got the password, this potentially means go back to the old way labor intensive mechanism's for publishing stories.

I don't know what our future options are if this software is not fixed. If anyone knows of freeware content management software please let me know by PM.

FWIW, I have two stories ready to publish not including Cap'n Frances latest effort which I have received (I still have access to the mail box).

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Re: Writing

Postby Asso » Mon May 16, 2016 7:24 pm

It seems to me a somewhat Kafkaesque situation, if I can say.
Well yes. I continue to write. And on Fanfiction.Net, for those who want, it is possible to cast a glance at my latest efforts. We arrived to
The Ears of the Elves, chapter Forty-four

And here is the beginning of the whole story.

But, I must say, you could also find something else on Fanfiction.net written by me. If you want.

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Re: Writing

Postby panyasan » Mon May 16, 2016 8:08 pm

73Bruin, I am glad you took the time to explain the situation. I am sorry to hear about your troubles and hopefully a solution will come soon.
Thank you so much for your efforts!
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!


The Naked Truth and other necessities of life

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Re: Writing

Postby Cap'n Frances » Mon May 16, 2016 8:37 pm

Thanks for letting us know, 73Bruin. I posted my story, Charlie's Lament, on fanfiction.net, but I hope I can also post it here at some point. I'll do some looking for story management software and let you know if I find anything promising.

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Re: Writing

Postby Cap'n Frances » Mon May 16, 2016 9:18 pm


Please let us know when and where your next chapter is available, if the story posting problem here isn't fixed by the time it's ready.

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Re: Writing

Postby putaro » Tue May 17, 2016 3:46 am

Well, I'm willing to take a whack at fixing/breaking things :-). What's the story management system written in, PHP?

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Re: Writing

Postby panyasan » Tue May 17, 2016 2:27 pm

Cap'n Frances wrote:Panyasan,

Please let us know when and where your next chapter is available, if the story posting problem here isn't fixed by the time it's ready.

I will make sure of that Cap'n Frances, thank you for your interest. :hug: But I am sure things will be fixed on this site soon. I will look for your new story on FFnet :popcorn: and hope it will be posted here soon as well.
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!


The Naked Truth and other necessities of life

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12056258/1 ... es-of-life

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Re: Writing

Postby 73Bruin » Tue May 17, 2016 8:10 pm


I believe it that the site is largely written in PHP using MySQL as a database. I know the forum uses PHPBB. I suggest you PM, Elessar (and cc me, 73Bruin). He will probably want some background info. He can probably provide much more detail then I can.

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Re: Writing

Postby panyasan » Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:49 pm

panyasan wrote:
Cap'n Frances wrote:Panyasan,

Please let us know when and where your next chapter is available, if the story posting problem here isn't fixed by the time it's ready.

TADAA!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

New chapter is up! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8522099/11/World-of-Ice

Hopefully I can speed things up, one chapter a year is a bit slow.... ;-)
Love is a verb.

Chapter 17 of Word of Ice is up!


The Naked Truth and other necessities of life

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12056258/1 ... es-of-life

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