Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

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Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby ginamr » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:57 am

I re-read a comment posted on one of my stories and it gave me an idea. Nearly all of us were inspired to write fanfiction after reading another piece of fanfiction. So I thought it would be cool if each of us named the story that:

A. First inspired us to write Trip/T'Pol or Enterprise fanfiction of our own and why.

B. First inspired us to write fanfiction period (any book, movie, tv show, comic, etc) and why.

It might even be cool to add a section to the update page titled, "Inspirational Fics For Beginners", which is updated whenever a new title is added to this topic. It could entice some of those simply reading to write some of their own.

I'll follow first with mine.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby ginamr » Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:07 am

The first Enterprise fanfiction that I can recall inspiring me to write Trip/T'Pol fanfiction was Brave New World by Alison M. Dobell. The characterization was slightly off, but the plot was very inspired. :clap: Re-reading it again after all this time, I noticed sequels. Naturally, I'll have to read those, too.

The first ever fanfiction that I read that inspired me to write fanfiction period was a Harry Potter fanfiction titled When Two Worlds Collide by Sean Szama. I stumbled across this site, went to the Harry Potter section and the summary sucked me in. I read it, completely enthralled with it. It was wonderfully written, a great tribute to the world Rowling created. :loveeyes: I still read it from beginning to end fairly often, especially when I have a big writer's block. Unfortunately, he never really uploaded any more that I really liked.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:11 am

GREAT TOPIC! :clap: Well to be completely honest, no one fanfic story inspired me to dive into the frey. My story kind of goes like this. Girl watches ENT, girl likes TnT well enough (although they're not :tom: :torres: ) girl gets up to Rogue Planet, decides that throwing her shoes at the TV out of frustration is not a great idea and gives up. Girl then hits a dry spell of good :tom: :torres: fic and decides to check out if TNT ever got together, reads Trip died! :explode: :faint: Girl finds HoT falls in love! :loveeyes: Girl gets sick watches ENT marathon because of HoT. Girl gets even more mad then before. :bitch: Girl decides MUST WRITE FIC!!!!

Some stories that inspire me on a regular basis are... Anything by Dinah, Transwarp's Convicted (but the whole series is awesome), anything by Misplaced. Cogito is extremely inspiring. Then there's world famous Distracted, and of course honorable mention must always go to :lsr: :lsr: :lsr: :lsr: Skin Deep always makes me think. eK makes me giggle like a school girl, she's great for shaking any sort of blah, creatively or otherwise.
Last edited by WarpGirl on Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby justTripn » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:01 pm

I litterally never read any TnT fanfic before writing my own finale "fix" (more like a slight improvement, since Trip still dies). I sat down and started writing it immediately after the finale aired, because I was so dissatisfied with the finale, and my story was done two weeks later. I just did it for myself. Months later it occurred to me that there was this thing called the Internet and maybe I could find a place to post it, so I googled and found Trek Writers Guild and later HoT, and the rest is history.

However I was an avid reader of the annual Star Trek: Strange New Worlds series, which showcased the best Star Trek fanfic from an official Star Trek competition. However, almost none of that was romance. Which explains why I was a little out of step when I got here.

In general, other fanfic does NOT inspire me to write. It inspires me to stop writing and READ.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:43 pm

Oh I forgot to do B.! Okay well the only other fandom I've written for is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, there is an incredible author there by the name of AthenaPrime she wrote a marvelous fic entitled After the Fall while that didn't make me want to jump up and write, because I already decided too, it is inspiring just to read. She takes such amazing risks in that fic that it inspired me to take serious risks in my own work. She got a fanbase all revved up with her fic and it is literally the most famous fic in the fandom.

It taught me a huge lesson, It's nice for people to love your work, but some people are going to hate it. The important thing is write something you believe in. Everyone else can go jump in the lake.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby Silverbullet » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:56 pm

I first discovered Fanfic when I stumbled on HOT. Of course by then it was dead. I did start reading Trip and T'Pol Fan fic in their fan fic site run by HOT. Some great writers there. Lots of stories I liked a few I loved and some I loathed or hated. Some I didn't understand at all.

Then I found Trisilk, again, I first stumbled on it many years ago when it was dormant.

I have alway swanted to write. life imposed itself and I travelled the world never stopping long enoung in one place long enough to get started.

JT encouraged me to write something, edited it and I was off and running. To say my early efforts were less than inspiring is an understatment. The members of this board were kind and encouraging. I have since writen a number of stories. One or two I am proud of. A few stinkers in there too.

Now that I have been bitten by the writing bug I keep getting ideas. Write them down and erase most it is good practice.

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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby ginamr » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:01 am

Another one that kind of inspired me was Zane Grey's Differential. I can't remember which I read first...it was so long ago.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby Kotik » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:43 am

The first ever fanfiction I read was Drogna's "Desert Rose", but the final inspiration to try my hand at writing myself was Hopeful Romantic's "Reconnecting" series, which for me is still the biggest epic of the genre.

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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby Transwarp » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:45 pm

Enterprise is the only TV show, movie or book that has ever left me with the urge to write fan fiction. This is NOT a compliment: if the show had not completely botched TnT's relationship in every possible way, I would never have taken up this pursuit. The actors (Trinneer and Blalock) made me care; the writers made me despair.

Actually, at the time I didn't even know there WAS such a thing as fan fiction. I was online, reading some posts about how gawd-awful the finale was, and I came across references to 'finale fixes'. This brought me to HoT, and I started reading.

Yes. YES. THIS was how it SHOULD have been! I remember how utterly impressed I was by the high quality of the writing, and how enthralled I was to see my beloved characters being treated in realistic ways and developing adult relationships, each with the other.

I can't list all the authors I've read who had an impact on me (and I haven't read everyone, not by a long shot), but I think MissAnnthropic was one of the first. I am still in awe of her concise insights and the emotional impact of her words.

If I had to list my ultimate, absolute favorites though, they would be Dinah's 'The Thorn and the Rose' (has there ever been a more satisfying moment of reconciliation than on Mt. Seleya, when T'Pol finally convinces Trip that there is no one else for her?); Blacknblue's 'The Road Once Travelled' (he makes Vulcan literally come to life on the page); and Hopeful Romantic's 'Reconnecting' series (I am not easily moved to tears, but when old T'Pol dies in Trip's arms, I couldn't help myself).

Honorable mention goes to Elessar's 'Your Mom 'n Me' (Trip's and T'Pol's vows at their wedding were magnificent); all of Bluetiger's tales of TnT's everyday married life (I have decided I will never write of TnT's domestic life after Starfleet, because Bluetiger has already done it EXACTLY as I envisioned it!); and Rigel Kent's 'Star Trek Endeavour' Romulan War epic (which I avoided reading until I was over two-thirds of the way through my own Romulan War tale, to avoid any unconscious cross-pollination of ideas).

There are more (so many more!) and I could not possibly do them all justice here, but I suspect you already know them (and love them as I do): EK, Aquarius, Distracted, Alelou, Asso, just to name a few. Then there are all those who contribute to the forums, sharing their wit and insights, and making TriSilk such an INTERESTING place to visit.

To all of you that have shared your opinions, your talents, and poured your hearts into the works posted on this site, I give my humble thanks. You have brought me great joy and delight. I hope I have managed to give back a small measure of what you've given to me.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:27 pm

Transwarp I used to swear that I would never, ever publish any ST fic. I scribbled in a notebook every so often. And I read a lot. But I never felt the urge, in fact, HoT was my ENT canon. :popcorn: But I gave it a second chance and then I just HAD to write. It wasn't a choice.

There are so many incredible authors out there. It's a pity that so many of the HoT greats haven't migrated here.
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby Kotik » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:28 pm

Yeah the exodus of some of the greats is really a big loss. Quills seems to be gone completely, Zane Gray seems to have given up as well. The discontinuation of both the various Soma stories and ZG's Differential series are to things I really consider sort of tragic.

Others like HR are still around on other Startrek sites or have migrated to others, like Aquarius' site. I've noticed a serious lack of activity in our little hideout, lately. If it wasn't for EK and our great ol' fella Silverbullet, we'd be out of new material for weeks now. I know that WG has something cooking and I'm labouring on a rather intense new piece, but apart from that things've gone very quite lately :(

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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:30 pm

:hug: And it's VERY inspiring as well!
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby Elessar » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:49 am

A. "Shoreleave" and I forget the author - she never finished it though :( I'd remember the name if someone thought of it... she's been gone awhile...

B. Same probably, YMAM 1 was the first fanfic I ever wrote for anything. It is very hard for me to cross over and write fanfic for something else because I have a hard time thinking inside the heads of other characters besides Trip and T'Pol. Just old habits, I guess. I did one Lost fic at FF.net and one Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles fic. I also started a Twilight fic but never finished it!
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Re: Ode To The Inspirers of Fanfiction Writers

Postby ginamr » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:50 am

I know what you mean about the Twilight fics...I've started a few that I'm working on finishing. I think my main problem is that it's hard for me to stay focused on one idea until its done. I get another idea and a lot of times I jump between several stories of several different books, movies, tv shows, etc. I have fics both started and completed for: Bones, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate crossovers, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Star Trek Enterprise, The X-Files and Twilight. I'm considering some ideas for In Plain Sight now, too.
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