Submission Didn't Go Up?

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Submission Didn't Go Up?

Postby Elessar » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:03 pm

Greetings Underlings :badgrin: :mrgreen:,

It has come to our attention that there may have been at least once instance of a submission not reaching our inbox. As we all know, glitches and outages can happen with mailservers. Now, most of the time, these kinds of things can be explained by mistakes in addresses; however, to ensure that there's never any misunderstanding about why a submission wasn't accepted, etc; we thought it would be pertinent to go let everyone know that if you submit a story and have not heard anything or seen it go up within 7 days, contact Elessar (or Distracted if I'm not available).

TriS will never reject a submission without notification and most of the time we won't at all. If for any reason you think there may be something questionable about a story you've submitted, we encourage you to include some notes about it in the email -- especially if you're a first-time poster.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM!

*UPDATED* April 21st, 2014

Hello folks, we've been having a few more issues with spam filters so please remember to check in with us if you haven't heard anything or seen your story go up in 7 days. I've updated the details above for who should be contacted. My contact email is in my TriS profile.


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