"Divergent Paths" Discussion

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby panyasan » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:25 pm

Rigil Kent wrote:
panyasan wrote:BTW: Trips musing about Archer made me want to shout to Trip that he should let go. She has chosen you Trip for all the good and logical reasons, so be happy about it.

Yeah, but his thoughts are grounded in something I hoped would be believable -this whole bond thing is new to him & T'Pol can't exactly explain it, so the question as to whether or not she'd have this sort of connection with any other male (Archer included) if she were stranded planetside with them is a valid one.
I complelty forgot about the bond being new to them! (You stated this in your chapter and also mentioned that Trip thought that Archer and T'Pol seemed close before, something I missed when I read the chapter the first time). Maybe it's because the bond between them seems so natural to me. (It's of course a very alien and very new concept for both of them). I do sympathize with Trip feeling insecure, having needed a little smack upside the head myself now and then ;-). I hope T'Pol sets the record straight. 8)

In response to Kotik interesting post aboutT'Pol being confused: shame, group pressure and other nice traits in Vulcan do come in play. If any one is telling you this is the way and this is what you going to experience - and you feel somewhat the opposite, I can imagine some one thinking what is wrong with me.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Kotik » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:32 pm

panyasan wrote:In response to Kotik interesting post aboutT'Pol being confused: shame, group pressure and other nice traits in Vulcan do come in play. If any one is telling you this is the way and this is what you going to experience - and you feel somewhat the opposite, I can imagine some one thinking what is wrong with me.

Well her being with a human could have been a hint ;) She knows that humans use sex not only for procreation, while Vulcans need a seven-year-itch to get laid properly :mrgreen:
I guess I got the wrong impression of Rigil's T'Pol.
About Trip thinking that she's close to Archer. We as casual viewers saw that there wasn't a shred of chemistry between them and if anyone, Trip should have seen that before any of us. One thing that was a constant ever since "Breaking The Ice" (at the latest), was that Trip could read T'Pol better than any other human, so except for "The Seventh", there wasn't much indication of a romance between Archer and T'Pol that would hold any water. (my 2 roubles)

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby panyasan » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:44 pm

Kotik wrote:About Trip thinking that she's close to Archer. We as casual viewers saw that there wasn't a shred of chemistry between them and if anyone, Trip should have seen that before any of us. One thing that was a constant ever since "Breaking The Ice" (at the latest), was that Trip could read T'Pol better than any other human, so except for "The Seventh", there wasn't much indication of a romance between Archer and T'Pol that would hold any water. (my 2 roubles)
Well, my two euro's ;-) : the crash did take place after Trip saw Archer leaving T'Pol quarters. We know it's because the captain had this great news and thought that T'Pol didn't mind him barging in her quarters in the middle of the night - but Trip didn't know. He just realized he was fallen for T'Pol and sees him leaving her quarters in the middle of the night and her chatting all the time with Archer (in his view). His glasses were colored by his own feeling for T'Pol (at that time). But I agree, this time he has no logical reasons to doubt.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Alelou » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:48 pm

Trip can read T'Pol well, but he has a giant blind spot in regard to reading her feelings about HIM. When it comes to romance, I think our boy is a little blind unless the girl reaches over and bops him upside the head ... and his blindness increases in direct correlation to how much he WANTS it. I would go so far as to say Trip is fundamentally insecure about his own appeal in terms of a lasting romance.

And T'Pol does, I believe, feel genuine friendship and loyalty towards Archer, which could confuse Trip, since he can probably see that just fine.

I agree with Rigil that the thought might bother him occasionally, just as it might anyone in a romantic relationship with anyone who ever had any other options, but it's not like he's shooting himself in the foot with it in the meantime. It could make for some interesting dynamics when they return to the ship, though.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby aadarshinah » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:51 pm

Alelou wrote:I agree with Rigil that the thought might bother him occasionally, just as it might anyone in a romantic relationship with anyone who ever had any other options, but it's not like he's shooting himself in the foot with it in the meantime. It could make for some interesting dynamics when they return to the ship, though.

I've said it once, I'll say it again: I can't wait until they finally make it back to Enterprise. In addition to all the other fun stuff that will be bound to happen, it'll be bound to be a big eye-opener to Archer, especially if he ever finds out about Soval and Hernadez...

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Reanok » Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:17 pm

Rigil I really liked your latest chapter and the morning after Discussion was well done. it's understandable that T'Pol would be overwhelmed by her emotions and needed to sort out her thoughts about many things that were a lie that the Vulcans told her about bonds and alot of other things as well.

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Linda » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:21 am

I have now caught up and have read chapter 66. The story is so rich in details of action and technology and characterization. I didn't realize before that Rigil could do this internal monologue and relationship stuff so well. Sorry, Rigil, for underestimating you. :roll: It was probably a gender prejudice thing - a males-know-technology-but-suck-at-feelings attitude. Forgive me? :?
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Misplaced » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:35 am

Linda wrote:I have now caught up and have read chapter 66. The story is so rich in details of action and technology and characterization. I didn't realize before that Rigil could do this internal monologue and relationship stuff so well. Sorry, Rigil, for underestimating you. :roll: It was probably a gender prejudice thing - a males-know-technology-but-suck-at-feelings attitude. Forgive me? :?

In that case, I strongly recommend that you consider reading his Endeavor series. More action-y, but still a lot of good internal character development. ;)
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Linda » Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:27 am

It has been on my list for some time. Getting around to the longer fan fiction stories has run up against real world priorities especially this year. :dunno: But I will get to this series eventually.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby panyasan » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:19 pm

My little thought this morning: the Archer-bit in the chapter (but also in some extent the struggle of T'Pol) made this chapter just not too sweet. Which fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the rest of the chapters.
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Kotik » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:28 pm

panyasan wrote:My little thought this morning: the Archer-bit in the chapter (but also in some extent the struggle of T'Pol) made this chapter just not too sweet. Which fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the rest of the chapters.

There is no such thing as "too sweet" ;) The one thing that stands out for me, is Trip offering to cool down on their intimacy for her sake, when he thinks that she's too troubled about it. Shows neatly that he might be Weaponized!Trip, but underneath the hardened shell is still the same warm character that was there before the crash.

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby panyasan » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:32 pm

Well, that was the one thing I valued the most about this chapter. For me, it's the definition of love: that you want what good is for the other person (and doing what is good for you in the same process).
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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Kotik » Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:18 pm

Read the latest chapter. It's absolutely fan-bloody-tastic :mrgreen: I'm technically dead with that strange illness o' mine, but this chapter made my day. Rigil, that one was a hoot :thumbsup:

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Brandyjane » Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:41 pm

I second Kotik. It's good! I feel happy after reading it, even though I, too, am sick today. I can't really say anything else right now because I don't want to be a spoiler.

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Re: "Divergent Paths" Discussion

Postby Reanok » Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:31 pm

:happyjump: Terrific new chapter Rigil I won't spoil it but I sure did enjoy how you wrote T'Pol and Trip's relationship in your latest chapter. :thumbsup:

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