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Re: Status and Support

Postby putaro » Thu May 03, 2012 1:52 am

I decided to toss all the transit times from the show and just calculate from scratch. It's less work and I prefer to approach it as "space is big and takes a long time to get from point A to point B"

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Re: Status and Support

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu May 03, 2012 2:45 pm

That's for the best, I think. Trek is terrible about keeping this sort of thing straight and with good reason, sadly. If they clung to actually treating warp speeds as defined, there would be a lot of ship-based episodes fraught with boredom and a whole lot of travelling. It would be the Age of Sail but in space.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu May 03, 2012 4:07 pm

Jumping back to the original point of this thread, progress on the next chapter of DivPath is going extremely slow. I have one chapter complete & unpublished (polishing it), and the chapter I'm working on now (aka, Trip & T'Pol Leave the Ekos/Zeon System) is fighting me tooth and nail, which is frustrating as heck because I just want to move on and advance to the next stage in the story ... pointless angst!

And yes, that's a joke.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Alelou » Thu May 03, 2012 4:18 pm

Damn, I was looking forward to some pointless angst. :twisted:
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Asso » Thu May 03, 2012 4:22 pm

Rigil Kent wrote:Jumping back to the original point of this thread, progress on the next chapter of DivPath is going extremely slow. I have one chapter complete & unpublished (polishing it), and the chapter I'm working on now (aka, Trip & T'Pol Leave the Ekos/Zeon System) is fighting me tooth and nail, which is frustrating as heck because I just want to move on and advance to the next stage in the story ... pointless angst!

And yes, that's a joke.

Perhaps, but, if I have understood well what you meant, it's a joke extremely engaging, isn't it? :D
Oh.. ahem... with regard to pointless angst... not gratuitous, is it? ;-) :shifty:
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Weeble » Thu May 03, 2012 4:25 pm

Looking foward to the next chappie Rigil. Perhaps you could pick a couple of spots and just put the words "pointless angst" in. kinda give Alelou a little pick me up :D
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Alelou » Thu May 03, 2012 4:29 pm

OMG, ANOTHER new chapter! NORTH STAR Chapter 28
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Rigil Kent » Thu May 03, 2012 4:52 pm

I'll see about having someone gripe about "pointless angst." :D
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Re: Status and Support

Postby panyasan » Fri May 04, 2012 4:09 am

Yeah! I just finish a new story that turned into a five chapter thingy and sent it to my beta.

I would like to go back to writing T'Pol of Vulcan, but first of all I have to finish a chapter of another story, that have been put on hold for a long time.

When I read the chapter for that story again, I noticed the second part was okay, but I really disliked the first part. It not only made the story confusing by the timeline I used, it was also a bit too much drama and not a good "mood" to start te story with. I want my characters to be sort of happy first, before troubles hit them. Besides, it had elements of a scene I used in the past and I like to write something fresh instaed of using old stuff.

So I decide to delete the whole scene and the muse came up with a better idea. Only problem is that I have to chance my format, but it's worth it. Strange enough I felt happy about the fact that I just deleted the scene. Proves it wasn't good any way!
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Distracted » Fri May 04, 2012 9:14 pm

There are times when the most useful key on the keyboard is the delete button. 8)
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Re: Status and Support

Postby Transwarp » Wed May 16, 2012 3:00 pm

I decided to submit what I have for Chapter 8 of 'Convicted', even though it's rather short (under 6000 words) and not where I originally intended to break the chapter. I haven't made much progress on it in the last three months (I had MUCH more time to write when I was in Afghanistan than I do now.)

Please bear with me; I haven't given up on the story and my muse hasn't gone MIA, I'm just incredibly busy with other priorities.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby panyasan » Wed May 16, 2012 3:40 pm

Looking forward for your new chapter of Convicted, Transwarp! Glad to know you're still writing and busy times... that sounds too familiar.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 16, 2012 3:50 pm

Perfectly understandable Transwarp I'll take what I can get. At least your muses are being obedient and biddable. My TnT Muse has decided to run off with them somewhere. Of course her sister muse is chattering away about my other project, but even she's stunned by what happened to her last night! Now we all have a new baby to play with. Maybe TnT muse will come back to play with him and start talking to me. I've been reaching out but she's stubborn!
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Re: Status and Support

Postby panyasan » Wed May 16, 2012 4:55 pm

WarpGirl wrote:Perfectly understandable Transwarp I'll take what I can get. At least your muses are being obedient and biddable. My TnT Muse has decided to run off with them somewhere. Of course her sister muse is chattering away about my other project, but even she's stunned by what happened to her last night! Now we all have a new baby to play with. Maybe TnT muse will come back to play with him and start talking to me. I've been reaching out but she's stubborn!

My suggestion would be to ask yourself if you feel really inspired to write this scene or part of the scene or that you feel you have to write the scene in a particular way?
Maybe you can work your way around the scene.
For example, if you write a scene where both Trip and T'Pol express their deepest feelings in a speech, you may feel both of them have to speak. But if that somewhat makes you stare a the screen without words popping up or you find the topic too difficult to express, find other way. Maybe you can have T'Pol shutting down because she is lost for words and you leave at that. Maybe you can make suggestions and let the readers fill in the gaps. We are clever, you know! ;-)
The other suggestion I would make is to let someone else (your beta) read it. I had once wrote something I wasn't comfortable with and my beta said to me: you have to do it a 100% or not do it. That was the best advice someone could give.

Hopefully I didn't step on your toes with this advice, but I thought this could be helpfull.
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Re: Status and Support

Postby WarpGirl » Wed May 16, 2012 5:01 pm

My toes are fine thanks. I appreciate it Panyasan. My main problem is that I am completely obsessed with something else right now. I mentioned this before I think, I tend to get bored after a while and get a new obsession then that's all I can think about until I reach sensory overload. Eventually, I'll get re-obsessed with TnT. I always do. However right now, I'm just madly, passionately, in love with something else.
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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