Authorized House of Tucker Fiction Being Readded

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Authorized House of Tucker Fiction Being Readded

Postby Elessar » Thu May 28, 2009 5:31 am


Beginning with Blackn'blue's Want of a Nail, we will be readding the stories which were originally posted on House of Tucker whose authors gave us permission to link to them at Triaxian Silk. This may be a long process, but I am hopeful that mjimeyg's tireless efforts to integrate this new ability into our fanfiction system will provide some new lifeblood to these WONDERFUL stories. I want to encourage anyone who may've only recently joined the fandom, or even veterans who may have missed the occasional classic gem to revisit these wonderful stories.

These are the stories that gave us life, and these are the authors that gave them breath. These are the authors whose tireless efforts have built for us a road, without which we would not retain this narrow path where we explore love, life, loss and every human condition along the way. It was and continues to be their brilliant pens and piercing intellects that illuminate a beautiful and singularly unique relationship between our couple... It is my sincere hope that just one author's dreams of a tranquil Human-Vulcan romance will be ignited into words on white, and shine as brightly as those whose articulate and artful prose we now present.

"I call shotgun!"
"I call nine millimeter." - John and Cameron

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