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Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:52 pm
by Kotik
putaro wrote: it is pretty sure to provoke a reaction from us men.

Such a reaction is verboten.

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:35 pm
by Distracted
On the contrary, the civil expression of an individual's reaction to a story is always permitted. Indeed, it is encouraged. What are "verboten" are ad hominem attacks on any individual, ie: you may say what you think or feel about a story (omit obscenities please) but you may not say that you hate the author or his/her work or cast aspersions on his/her intentions/lifestyle/character/appearance/etc. For example, someone who was disappointed by the ending to the story under discussion might resonably say something like, "I found the ending to this story very disturbing. I was identifying with the young Tellarite and the ending nauseated me." That's not an attack. That's honesty.

Are we clear, guys? Everybody okay here?

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:57 pm
by Asso
Mh .. in all honesty I think a modicum of vehemence is not detrimental.
It is good for health. Word of doctor.
Well, obviously it depends on the doctor, right Dis? :shifty:

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:05 pm
by Alelou
Well, I'm fine. I prefer an attack I can respond to rather than some anonymous drive-by review at (not that I mind that all that much either, since to my grasping writer's ego it still literally counts as a review). I could do without my motives towards all men being called into question, though, if only because I am then so tempted to start making rude personal insinuations back and before long we're in a flame war.

I also find it kind of amusing that a story that demonstrates the horrific end result of a government with too much power over people's personal lives is somehow taken as the author attacking men. By this logic, if an alien murders someone in one of my stories, I must have a deep-seated urge to murder someone.

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:03 pm
by Weeble
Ouch!!!! It puts things in a Eunich situation eh!

Pun attack


Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:06 am
by Alelou
Weeble wrote:a Eunich situation


Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:28 am
by Kotik
Alelou wrote:By this logic, if an alien murders someone in one of my stories, I must have a deep-seated urge to murder someone.

Not quite. My opinion was not only based on this particular story. I've always valued you as one of the best writers out there, I still do, but there are - at least in my personal perception - two things that one can expect in many of your stories - a lot of angst and a generally not very favourable flow of things when it comes to men. Perhaps the most telling example of it is your "commander Tucker ..." series. It's only my own personal feeling, but I thought Trip was reduced to a nutless, spineless wimp, who was abused and mistreated every other day and came back begging for more. For a man, that can border on the offensive.
Same goes for your missing scenes - Seasons 1-3 were absolutely brilliant and due to the expectable (show-prescripted) mega-angst I tackled season 4 with very much care, but you know all that, because we conversed through most of my reviews by PM ;-) I think your season 4 was very well written (that I made it through it without a melt-down is proof of that), except for one thing - the (perceived) portrayal of Trip as a complete and utter jerk during a pivotal scene in the aftermath of Elizabeths death was another example, which somehow gave me the impression as if you had an axe to grind with the male of the species.

I hope this clears some things up. I do not have anything against Alelou. On the contrary, I think she's one of the few writers, who produce stories worthy of a professional. I merely meant to say that in some of the later works I can't shake the feeling that males are grabbing the poop end of the stick quite often. Maybe I'm just mistaken. :dunno:

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:58 am
by Transwarp
Kotik wrote:Maybe I'm just mistaken.

Based on MY reading of her work, I'd have to say you're mistaken.

Kotik wrote: I've always valued you as one of the best writers out there

On that we are in complete agreement.

Merry Christmas, All!

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:05 am
by Alelou
Thanks, Transwarp. That was a nice Christmas present for me. :)

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:55 am
by putaro
I think the writers in Enterprise kept trying to work in that Vulcans "logical", Humans "emotional" theme a little too hard. We tend to usually view that as men "logical" and women "emotional" so applying that theme to TnT had the effect of feminizing Trip. Especially since the writers felt the need to over emphasize Trip's emotional reactions.

Missing scenes can't stray too far from the source material. I think a lot of Kotik's objections really apply to the original material and Alelou just went along with it. The Queen of Angst has also been turning out non-angsty stuff of la te.

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:39 pm
by justTripn
Well, it sounds like you all know how this ends, but for completeness: Sectrets and Sties: The SHOCKING CONCLUSION by the one and only Alelou. :popcorn:

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:46 pm
by Asso
justTripn wrote:Well, it sounds like you all know how this ends, but for completeness: Sectrets and Sties: The SHOCKING CONCLUSION by the one and only Alelou. :popcorn:


Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:57 pm
by justTripn
Yes, shocking.

And now for a missing episode: Demons by Alelou


Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:17 pm
by enterprikayak
A new maestro has joined our ranks!

Yeah, That Never Happened... by MaryContrary!

Re: New Fanfic Up: 2011 Edition!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:28 pm
by enterprikayak
And ANOTHER new maestro!

Greatness Shared, Grief Halved by LFVoy!