Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Lady Rainbow » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:12 pm

It was Hoshi, actually, who told hers first:

from Chrissie's transcripts:

TUCKER: This reminds me of my dorm room at Starfleet Training. Got into a lot of trouble at old STC.
HOSHI: I got kicked out.
TUCKER: Well, you can't stop there.
HOSHI: In my second month, I had a difference of opinion with the Company Commander. I broke his arm.
TUCKER: Can I ask why?
HOSHI: Poker.
TUCKER: You broke his arm playing cards?
HOSHI: He tried to shut down a game I was running for some of the recruits, and a couple of the training staff.
TUCKER: Hold on. You ran a floating poker game at STC?
HOSHI: The way the regulations are worded, gambling was an honour violation only if it took place during duty hours. So I ran the game on weekends. One night my C.C. showed up, tried to sweep all the chips off the table, and I. Well, I have a black belt in aikido. I think he was just upset that I hadn't invited him to play.
TUCKER: What happened?
HOSHI: I got a bad conduct discharge.
TUCKER: How the hell did you end up on Enterprise?
HOSHI: Starfleet needed language specialists more than they needed to make an example out of me. They let me back in on probation, and here I am.

And a couple of scenes later:

TUCKER: How many languages can you speak?
HOSHI: That's not how it works. There are a lot of common patterns. I'm just good at hearing them, that's all.
TUCKER: Good? You're a genius. The way you can pick up an alien language you've never heard before and start spouting it back to them? I got to tell you, I've always been jealous you can do that.
HOSHI: I wish I could fix warp engines with duct tape and a pocket knife.
TUCKER: It's a bit more complicated than that. Sometimes.
HOSHI: Seriously. Engineering, building things. have you always been good at that?
TUCKER: When I was a kid, not so good at building. But I was a terror when it came to taking things apart. My folks used to put all our kitchen appliances on the highest shelves. One Thanksgiving, I have no idea what I was thinking, but I removed every screw from this big dining room table we had. It was so old, the wood sort of stuck together, so it stayed standing until my dad put the turkey down. I spent the next month in my room.
HOSHI: How old were you?
TUCKER: Oh, twenty four, twenty five.
Avatar of Hoshi/Malcom "The Dogwalker" courtesy of ivymae at http://www.captainsoma.com/enterpriseoddities/main.html

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby aadarshinah » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:15 pm

thanks LJ, I ws just about to post that too. Now I have to change my post. :( but, so while a good idea, doesn't work. Sorry BJ. :(

I think it's more that it's Hoshi, the wallflower, WG, telling the story. Now, if it she was more like Kira from DS9, I wouldn't have a problem with it. It's just so OC... And,

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby WarpGirl » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:23 pm

CRUD! :cry: I admit it. I was wrong. Sorry. :oops: But I still say that we didn't get the entire story just the version that would be upbuilding for the situation.
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And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Alelou » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:16 am

WarpGirl wrote:You know its funny if it was Trip saying, "at 17 I ran an illegal Poker game in SF training, and broke some guy's arm" nobody would care. However, I believe Trip started the tell a wild story from your past game. What I don't understand is, why is it so difficult to believe a young woman would have a few wild stories?

Well, I would find that pretty off-putting and OOC for Trip, but whatever. I guess this means I'm actually more judgmental than you in at least one area.

I did take Trip's remark about his age as a joke, but I didn't get the feeling from Hoshi's delivery that she was making up or exaggerating a story to entertain him. It struck me as very OOC. You disagree. C'est la vie, as say on Earth.
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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby WarpGirl » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:31 am

And I never said your opinion had to match mine. I'm sorry you find me judgemental.
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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Alelou » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:37 am

We're all judgmental about some things or we have no opinions. Apparently any character running a gambling operation brings out my inner puritan. You have your own bugaboos. We all do.
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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Kotik » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:17 pm

Going back to the original topic ;) Just sent out the final draft of "Broken Bow (Part 1)" for scruitiny. Turned out to be a whooping 31 pages :shock: and it's only slightly more than halfway into the episode. Having wached and re-watched just about any scene, I realized what an amazing transition happened to T'Pol over the course of the episode. She started out so stick-in-the-arse high-'n-mighty Vulcan, it's almost insufferable, but somehow - believably so - she makes the transition to volountarily staying on the ship :)

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby aadarshinah » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:41 am

Well, isn't if obvious why she stayed? She was having too much fun arguing with Trip to leave.... though your version works too.

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby WarpGirl » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:00 am

I thought she was just shy. But I think she stayed because that woman's curiosity overrides every other attribute she has sometimes. And I think she saw that what the VHC taught about humans and what they actually were capable of doing were two totally different things. And being the curious, unorthidox, scientist that she is, she had to study and figure it out herself.

OK so Trip is a bonus...
Some of these people haven't taken their medication. Let's see what happens now...
Donna Moss: The West Wing

And by people WG had herself in mind, but then the quote would have been ruined.
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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Kotik » Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:58 pm

Since I'm about to finalize "Broken Bow, Part II" (monstrous beta-job heading your way in the next days, aadarshinah ;-) ), I thought I'd open the bazar for the next installment "Fight or Flight".

We have a lot of people with an attention to detail, so I would welcome any suggestion/ideas about scenes that would deserve more in-depth handling than being shown on-screen, inaccuracies or things that should have been explained in the episode - things like that. I'm grateful for every contribution :D

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Brandyjane » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:57 pm

I'm really looking forward to your take on BB part 2. The decon scene should be interesting!

Let's see..."Fight or Flight"...I actually went to a transcript site to refresh my memory. There don't seem to be as much to explore with this episode as there was in "Broken Bow." Here are my suggestions, some silly comic relief, some serious.

- Where did Hoshi get Sluggo? Who named it? Sluggo doesn't sound like a name Hoshi would pick. The whole crew seems to know/care about Sluggo. Was it just Hoshi's pet, or some sort of disgusting ship's mascot? What in the world were they thinking in leaving it on another planet? What if the thing reproduces asexually and has a disastrous affect on the planet's ecology? Would T'Pol object to that?

- What was squeaking under Archer's floorboards? Or was he just imagining things? It might be amusing if Porthos catches a stowaway mouse.

- Did the two crewmen Phlox and Trip observed in the mess hall ever hook up? Did Phlox actually ask them if he could watch?

- Did Trip agree with T'Pol that they shouldn't go back to the alien vessel? I always had the impression that he sided with her against Archer. In fact, I get the idea that this might be the first time Trip and T'Pol worked together to "manage" Archer as they so often seem to do. It didn't work here, but I can't help but feel that they either talked before dinner about how to approach Archer's likely bad mood or else they were just sort of in sync during dinner. I really think you can find some good TnT interaction right around this scene.

- Was Archer aware of exactly how freaked out Hoshi was about the whole dead alien situation and about space travel in general? Was he consciously trying to make her face her fears by going back to the alien ship, was he being a jerk about it, was he oblivious, or did he sincerely feel like he had no other choice but to bring her with him.

- What was it like aboard the Axanar ship? Did Trip get to visit?

- Did Archer ever acknowledge that T'Pol may have been right?

- Did anyone ever concede that maybe Reed wasn't paranoid, after all?


Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Kotik » Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:03 pm


You just gave me a ton of nice ideas :happyjump: :happyjump:

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby aadarshinah » Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:08 pm

Kotik wrote:Since I'm about to finalize "Broken Bow, Part II" (monstrous beta-job heading your way in the next days, aadarshinah ;-) ), I thought I'd open the bazar for the next installment "Fight or Flight".

*claps* :popcorn:

Anyway, I agree with BJ, that covers most of what I've got now question wise, but wait til I beta it.... I'll probably have a whole slew by then


Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby Kotik » Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:32 pm

A question as I'm working on the scene on Q'onoS... How the hell did they get there without being blown to bits by Klingon warbirds? :o No idea for that one yet.

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Re: Enterprise Revisited (Discussion)

Postby aadarshinah » Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:33 pm

The Klingons wanted their guy back, the Vulcans said they (the humans) were bringing them back, so when they got to the border of Klingon space, they just had to tell them they were carrying Klaang...? But the question for that would be, why would they let Enterprise continue carrying Klang to Qu'onos?

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