The Naked Truth

By panyasan

Rating: R



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Ch 1: Naked

A/N: This story was inspired by a article about less is more in writing. It was a challenge to create a scene with only 200 words. All the chapters are from Mirror Universe Tucker's POV.

I'd like to thank my wonderful betas Artisticmom2 and EntAllat and Crystalswolf for her help.

Warning: Torture is mentioned, however not described in detail. This story contains one chapter with a love scene.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No copyright infringement is intended.


Chapter 1: Naked

"We have the technique and the opportunity," Reed said.

Tucker stared at the machine, built by him for this purpose. Still, he didn't like Reed's new plan. "We don't need him."

"He's a genius who knows ships like the Defiant as well as the back of his hand. We'll use him. That's an order," Reed replied sharply.

He turned to the two engineers standing by the device. "We have a lock on him?"

"Yes, sir," one of them replied. "However, there are two identities. We can't separate them. They are united, intertwined."

Perplexity flashed over Reed's face. Then he grinned nastily. "That's even better. We get Tucker's girlfriend as well. Engage."

Before Tucker's eyes, two people materialized on the platform. He saw his own naked form, holding a female in his arms. His counterpart had no deforming scars and both eyes were intact; he looked up in shock, tightening the grip on the woman as if wanting to protect her. She looked so much like the person whose smell, curves, and soft skin plagued his own memories. This T'Pol had short hair and a softer expression than the T'Pol of his universe. His counterpart was to be envied.

"Seize them," Reed commanded.



Thanks for the reviews! 


Oh no you didn't! MU meets RU... Okay I have to confess I usually find these more confusing than time travel. Be prepared for some ditzy comments because more than likely I'll get lost.


Please read the comment I posted on the second chapter.
But let me say that this is a chapter damn intriguing.
And this paragraph ... Really beautiful!:D

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